Graduation is a time of reflection and looking ahead, a milestone when a shift in life stages takes place. Fifth grade elementary school graduates are excited to become young adults and advance in the world. They are leaving behind the childhood comfort of elementary school and becoming more independent. The graduation ceremony theme should reflect these changes in the soon-to-be middle schoolers' lives.

Traditional Ceremony

Playing "Pomp and Circumstance" as the graduates enter the room, parchment diplomas and mortarboard caps are iconic symbols of graduation. Giving a fifth grade class the feel of the traditional graduation ceremony elevates the importance of the event both in symbolism and relevance. This type of ceremony reflects the importance of life milestones and acknowledges the accomplishments of the graduates.

Future Forward

A motivational theme with songs and readings looks to the important times ahead for the kids passing out of early childhood and into pre-teen years. Popular songs about believing in yourself, speeches by students who have academic accolades and parent appreciation are key elements of such a ceremony. Show a photo slideshow of the kids through the elementary school years to show how far they have come and evoke a few tears from the proud parents. Have high school students who graduated from the same elementary school join the activities to give kids a glimpse of their future.

Individual Recognition

Say goodbye to elementary school in an interpersonal way by highlighting the skills or achievements of each graduate. Recall funny stories, special events, trips and class projects. As children arrives at the stage or podium to receive a diploma, treat them to a special moment that reviews their school career and display photos of the student through the years on a projector.

Goodbye to Childhood

Parents and educators often have vast collections of the creations of their students from every elementary school year. Create a showing of these projects and work to display the progress of the children through the years. These can line the walls of the graduation room so everyone has a chance to view them during social time before or after the ceremony. Each child can fill out a personal questionnaire with a current photo that talks about what he experienced during his elementary career. The graduation ceremony is the closing of this chapter, and all of these mementos give the elementary school graduates a chance to experience it all one last time.

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