If you are interest in graduating early or if you need to make up classes you may be looking for an option to complete the high school courses online for free. Several states offer online home-school programs for free, allowing you to earn high schools credits that will count toward graduation.

Search for online programs that offer free courses in your state. K12.com is one site that offers free online courses in some sites. Is another site that offers free online courses for credit for free.

Speak to your guidance counselor at school. She may know of additional classes or specific requirements that you need to meet in order to graduate. She can make sure that the classes you choose are legitimate and will count toward the graduation requirements in your state and district.

Register for the online class to get your credits. Some classes have a specific time period that you must enroll during. Others allow you to register and complete the class at any time and at your own pace.

Find any materials required for the class. Although the class itself may be free, you still may have to purchase specific texts or borrow them from your local library. You should also have regular access to a computer and the Internet so that you can complete and turn in your assignments.

Complete the class and fill out any forms that you need to in order to get credit for the online high school course. The guidance counselor should be able to tell you what you need in order to have the class transferred to your current high school transcript.


Although the work will be submitted online and you will not have direct contact with your teacher, your work will be graded. When searching for a program, look for one that allows you to contact the instructor with any specific questions that you have about the class.

The program that you use needs to be accredited for the classes to count in your state. This is why it is important to double check your choices with a high school counselor before you enroll and try to receive credit.

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