Two-dimensional art projects can range from charcoal drawings to finger painting, which are done on a flat surface. Through 2D creations, children can let their imaginations flow and end up with a piece of artwork to show off.

Self Portrait

Have the children create their own self portraits using crayons and colored pencils. Give them copy paper, art paper or construction paper to draw on. The children can focus on a picture of their whole body or stick to their upper torso. Show them examples of famous self portraits or one you have done. This project doubles as a self awareness lesson. Ask the children to devise what they want to portray in the portrait before they start. “For each self-portrait, the artist must ask: what expression, posture, clothing, setting, colors, texture, style and material best conveys the real me,” says the National Gallery of Art. Give the children the freedom to express how they really see themselves.


Allow children to explore their writing and illustrating skills by creating their own storybooks. Creating a story from beginning to end allows them to use artistic and language skills in more than one way. Teach children how to make simple construction or copy paper books by stapling five sheets of construction paper down the left side. Also, consider making picture books instead. Kids can use pictures to tell the story instead of words. Emphasize the need for the story to be complete by explaining a story’s arch. “Students improve their grasp of story sequence by identifying a story's beginning, middle or climax and end,” notes Crayola.


Many kids have a favorite sport. Let them express their love of sports by showing what they like to watch or play. This is a good time to teach painting or shading with pencils. Children can paint themselves playing a game, the players in a huddle or even the audience watching the game. Alternately, have them paint their favorite memory of a game like, the hot dogs, a home run or catching a foul ball. The project can also be turned into a collage. Have each kid bring in two or three sports or activity magazines. Give them scissors, glue, markers and glitter and let them express their love of sports. Don’t forget to show them examples of collages so that they can understand the concept.

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