Database management systems (DBMS) refers to software that defines the database, stores the data and handles report production and data entry through a query language. Examples of popular database management systems include Microsoft Access or Oracle. Each DMBS uses different query language based on the type of database with which it interfaces. Consequently, the exact steps to generate a report in one DBMS can vary greatly from those required to produce a report in another DBMS. However, the general logic behind creating a report from the data stored in the database remains consistent.

Step 1

Open your preferred DBMS. Ensure that the application loads the data from the appropriate database.

Step 2

Navigate to the report writer within your DBMS. Select the tables from the database you wish to report. For example, your database might contain all inventory information but your report might want to pull only the tables that contain damaged and returned inventory.

Step 3

Design the appearance of your report in the “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” (WYSIWIG) report designer window. Insert static text, such as headers and titles, like “Damaged Inventory.”

Step 4

Insert dynamic text. Use the query language of your DBMS to indicate where the report generator should insert the values for specific fields, such as “Serial Number” or “Date Returned.”

Step 5

Preview the report using the report writer in your DBMS. Check that the layout displays properly and that the dynamic text is correct. Make any necessary corrections to the template.

Step 6

Export the report using your DBMS report writer. Save the file in your desired format, such as PDF or XML.

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